
19/01/2014 16:49

We had an interesting Sunday. Katie needed to stay home today to watch Parker. We'd appreciate your prayers for the little guy. He has had a high fever that won't go away since Thursday night. He's laid in bed for the last three days. Katie is our pianist. Today she recorded the hymns on our digital piano and I just had to hit the play button today. 

We had a good morning. We did a combined Sunday School and watched, "Incredible Creatures that Defy Evolution." If you haven't seen it, it is possible to watch it online. It is a great film that shows the wonder of God's creation.  I preached on the temptation of Christ from Matthew 4 in the morning service.

It was good to have the young lady from Hong Kong visit with us today. She said the bus service worked well. She is in Edinburgh until June.