permanent location update

13/09/2021 11:29
G God has answered several prayers regarding our desire to find a permanent location. First of all, He has given us a great temporary location to rent on a monthly  basis. Secondly, He allowed us to see the church building that will likely be put on the market. It is beautiful. I'll put some pics below and I have no doubt that you will agree. However, it fails to meet a lot of the criteria about which we are praying. Here is my property/ building prayer no particular order.

God has answered several prayers regarding our desire to find a permanent location. First of all, He has given us a great temporary location to rent on a monthly  basis. Secondly, He allowed us to see the church building that will likely be put on the market. It is beautiful. I'll put some pics below and I have no doubt that you will agree. However, it fails to meet a lot of the criteria about which we are praying. Here is my property/ building prayer no particular order.


Beautiful - it should glorify God on the outside and inside.

Functional - it must meet the needs of our congregation. Children's ministry is important. We need classroom and function space.

Affordable - we must be able to afford to purchase the land/ property.

Visible - it needs to be in a location where it testifies of God's goodness and stands as a Gospel light for the community.

Maintainable - we have to be able to afford to maintain the property.

Expandable - we need to plan for future growth.

Durable - it needs to be built well to withstand weather and use.


The 1885 church building is beautiful, however we would struggle to maintain it. It also does not have classroom space and is not in a visible location. God answered prayer allowing us to view the property, although we do not believe the property is for us.


God answered prayer in another regard today. Tomorrow (Tuesday) at 2:00 I am meeting the owner of the land in which we are interested. Please pray for God's guidance and provision if a land purchase in His leading. It's an answer to prayer that we were able to find the owner, get into contact with him and arrange this meeting. Thanks for praying.



Affordable - we must be able to afford to purchase the land/ property od has answered several prayers regarding our desire to find a permanent location. First of all, He has given us a great temporary location to rent on a monthly  basis. Secondly, He allowed us to see the church building that will likely be put on the market. It is beautiful. I'll put some pics below and I have no doubt that you will agree. However, it fails to meet a lot of the criteria about which we are praying. Here is my property/ building prayer no particular order.
Beautiful - it should glorify God on the outside and inside.
Functional - it must meet the needs of our congregation. Children's ministry is important. We need classroom and function space.
Affordable - we must be able to afford to purchase the land/ property