Praise the Lord for a visitor
The Lord gave us encouragement today. The services went well and were well attended. Brian( 70's) visited today. He is a believer who felt like the Lord wanted him to attend our church this morning. Please pray that God will encourage him and that we can be a blessing in his life.
This morning I preached on Ezekiel 3:1-11, "Go, Speak My Word." There are many similarities between Ezekiel's call and our call to evangelize a sin hardened world. It is perfect instruction for us in our witnessing. My main points were, "Go, but eat (of God's Word) first." "Go where God sends you." and, "Go in God's Strength."
Tonight we looked at Honesty. Please pray for Emanuel. He tried to come today but got lost and couldn't find bus #37. Please pray for wisdom for us as we seek to get him to church. Thanks for praying. God's good to hear and answer our prayers.