prayer updates....

12/12/2020 13:46

Thank you for praying for Terri Gleason. The surgery was successful and they removed 90 percent of the tumour. Terri is recovering well and may be allowed home today. This will be her first time home since being taken into Accident and Emergency before Thanksgiving. The children are either back in Scotland already or returning soon. 

Pastor and Mrs. Dillman have also returned to Scotland following his father's funeral. Don said that it went well and that God helped him to give the eulogy. They are currently enduring their travel quarantine.

The Lord gave us a good midweek service. We're studying the book of Hebrews. We finished chapter 6 as we looked at Securities of our Salvation.

It's amazing that Christmas is just around the corner. Next Sunday evening our church kids are going to do a small presentation. Christmas Eve we have a Carol Sing. We appreciate your prayers as we get ready for these special events.