Rosewell is done.
I finished putting out flyers in Rosewell this morning. The Lord gave me two encouraging conversations. The first was with a man who is about 70 years old. God directed our conversation and I found out that he is good friends with a man who attends our church. God put that together as He allowed me to find out that information. I had a great opportunity to speak to HIm about the Gospel. I left a copy of John and Romans with him.
I also spoke with a man about the importance of truth. He spoke about respecting other people's beliefs. I said to him, "Let me put it to you this way. If your children thought it was ok for your grandchildren to play in the road, would you say anything?" He said, "I would share with them why they shouldn't do that, but ultimately it is up to them." I told him, "That is what I do as a minister." He gave me a great compliment as we parted by saying, "There is substance in what you say." Please pray that the substance of God's Word would open His eyes and that, God helping me, there would always be substance in my evangelism. God certainly guided in those conversations today.