Sad news....
Katie took a phone call this morning while I was out doing flyers and found out that Gordon has passed away. Some of you have prayed for him to get saved and as far as we know, he never trusted in Jesus. I hope that is not the case. Katie looked back through my journal and printed several pages of opportunities he had to hear the Gospel. Perhaps at some point he did pray to accept Jesus as his Savior.
I stopped by his house 3 or 4 times since our return and was never able to reach him. I'm glad that I don't have regrets for our part in seeking to reach him with the Gospel.
Since returning to Scotland I've found out about another man who has gone into eternity. That man was elderly and had told me that he had attended Gospel meetings as a child. Since his adulthood he was an agnostic at best. But, after finding out he had cancer, I asked him if he had the John and Romans that we had put through his door. He said that he had that and all the flyers we had put through the door. And that on occasion he would read through them. So, there as well, I have hope that he trusted in Jesus. I had several divine appointments with him.
Life's short, we need God's power to see souls saved. Please pray that God would awaken hearts in Scotland to the reality of eternity in Heaven or in @#!*% .