"Satanic" Cat?

21/08/2021 12:10

It's not unusual in door to door to find that Satan has a number of devices. The interesting one this morning was a cat who followed us and went into two people's homes.

God's hand was very evident in one divine appointment this morning. Please pray for this man. I was able to open my Bible and share the Gospel with Him. He was so interested that he didn't notice the cat entering his house. I saw it, but thought it was his cat. He put the cat out the back door and continued the conversation. The cat got in again and this time he left it until we finished. (I will follow up on this conversation as he is very interested. Please pray.)

Katie and I had other shorter opportunities and trust that they were not in vain and that God can use something that was said to awaken hearts.

Thank you for praying for our door to door ministry on Saturdays.