Scotland has summer this year

31/05/2020 10:15

There are some summers in Scotland where you wonder if you had a summer or not. This is definitely not one of those. We've crossed the 70 degree fahrenheit marker a couple times this week. It's been beautiful.

We're also just starting to see a bit of relief from the lockdown regulations as we entered phase one this past week of our relaxation of the rules. That being the case, we've enjoyed walking a couple times a few miles away from our home. Yesterday God gave us a divine appointment with a young man named Ross. Please pray for his salvation. 

God continues to help us with the ministries online.

Here are some links for you.

Katie's Sunday School Lesson.  (facebook link)

Episode 13 in the Journey - Open the Door (facebook link - but, it will also be on sermon audio.)

Lesson 2 in Hebrews. (Hebrews 1)

Galatians 6:7-9, Harvest Law

We appreciate your prayers for Scotland, our family and ministry.