Sick bay.

30/05/2012 13:59

We are doing pretty well, however, the concern is that this thing is going to go the rounds.  Parker has been in his bed all day complaining about his tummy.  Nelson has run a high fever since yesterday.  He stopped being sick but he has not had hardly any food and little fluids. So, please pray for the little guy to perk up. The Hikins are still struggling with this as well.

In case you are wondering why we are so excited about a stomach virus, we have had nearly constant stomach viruses since the beginning of March.  After you get this thing you feel unwell for a long time. Kay Lee was crying last night because she was afraid that she was going to get it.  (That kind of gives you an idea of how we all feel about it.)

Katie is calling this, "Scotland's version of Malaria."  We have friends that are on far more difficult fields medically.  But, for some reason, this thing has been bothersome and seemingly recurring.

So, please continue to pray our health. "God is good and doeth good."  He is encouraging us. Please also pray that Katie will be refreshed as she has been up part of the last two nights with Nelson. Thanks for praying.