SNOW, snow, s.n.o.w (just a little)
Yes, winter has arrived. We had a brief snow shower this evening that caused quite a bit of excitement in our family. The kid's and Katie were excited as well. It wasn't "normal" snow but you could pack it together. I'll put a pic. below.
We had a good service last night. It was our "regular" group that we count on being there. We praise the Lord for their faithfulness. Counting our family and all the kids, we had 19.
The Lord gave me a couple divine appointments yesterday in Loanhead. It's encouraging to see the Lord's hand at work in our community. I told one man where we are going to be living and he said, "Oh, you are moving into the heart of Loanhead." We are going to be living on the main street. The packing is coming along. I'll attach a picture of the "mess" we are living in. The Lord provided another bed today. It is close to where we are getting our truck which will make it easy to collect on Monday. Thanks for your prayers.