Special Sunday

30/05/2021 20:22

Today was a special Sunday. We gave a thank offering towards the building fund. We scheduled this as a building fund offering, but changed it to a thank offering after God supplied the funds for the building itself. (Note: we continue to pray about the building, but will not know until they either accept or reject our offer. We have already been informed that our offer was not the highest, so we need a miracle if God wants us in that building.)

Our people gave generously and we gave £2,745 to the Lord tonight as an expression of our gratitude to God for His goodness. We want everyone who has given to this project to know that we are very thankful for their help in obtaining a permanent location.

It was special night as well, because Benson and Kay Lee fly out tomorrow morning to the Bill Rice Ranch. They have their negative covid test document and everything else needed. Please pray for safety and for God's grace as they get to where they need to be. They have layovers in Amsterdam and Atlanta.

I preached tonight on, "Obedient Children" from 1 Peter 1 (currently uploading) and Peter's challenge to the church to live holy. There was a good spirit in our service. An older sister of one of our church kids came out to the service. This young lady used to attend frequently and it was good to have her back.

Thank you for praying for our family and ministry. We get to see the fruit of your prayers.