Sunday, 13 May

13/05/2012 19:39

The Lord gave us a good day despite inclimate weather. Yesterday was sunny and warm. Today it is a very windy and very wet day. We enjoyed Missionaries Danny and Sue Almstead visiting with us today.  They are moving here from Australia.  They will be starting a work up near Aberdeen.  Please pray that God will open the doors for them as they move forward to do his will.  They were a blessing and were with us all day.

Mark and five kids, Michael, Adelle, Timothy and Alec were also in the service this morning.  We looked at I Kings 2:1-4 and David's charge to Solomon.  My title was, "Ready to Reign." Danny and Sue also shared their salvation testimonies with us.  

Tonight, Michael and Adelle braved the weather.  We are in a metal building and so you are aware of the rain and hail. :)  We looked at two topics in God's Word - Courage and Death.  Death sounds like a sad theme but it is a joy to see what death is to a believer.  We really had a fun time together tonight.

Thanks for your prayers.