Sunday and Monday

07/06/2021 13:37

God gave us a good Lord's day although several were absent. Our down attendance was due to illness in a couple families and two teenagers being away. On the other, two of our college students from Ireland were back with us. It was great to see Daniel and Emily. They had to leave at the end of last year when Scotland went into lockdown.

I enjoyed preaching a message on "REJOICE!" from Psalm 33. It's a great text to refocus our life when we forget how much we ought to be praising the Lord. 

We continue to wait on the Lord regarding the bank buildling. We've had no word yet on our offer although we were told that our's was not the highest. 

In other news, normally I teach a Zoom session with a men's home in Ireland (New Hope Residential Centre.) It's a holiday there and so I didn't have that on my schedule this morning. It was a fine morning and so I went into Edinburgh and did some evangelism. It was a bit slow this morning for one on one conversations. 

I finally had a divine appointment after being down there for about an hour. Andrew is a strong atheist (middle aged.) I told him at the end of our conversation, "I could have left this conversation, but you are worth saving." I told him that I'm going to pray for the Spirit of God to convict Him of sin (blaspheming and taking God's name in vain.) He knows that he isn't bothered by taking God's name in vain. If God in His mercy would so convict Him, it ought to "prove" to His sin blinded heart that there is a God. 

The second opportunity was with Josh, a traveler (gypsy) from Ireland. He said that his uncle is born again. Josh has messed up his life and knows he needs something. Please pray for God to open his eyes to His truth. He lives down in the Scottish Borders about 40 miles away, but was up in Edinburgh for work. (Thank you for praying for God's blessing on our evangelism.)

One other prayer request, I have scheduled a minister's day of prayer tomorrow.  Three men have had to back out last minute. Please pray for God's blessing upon our prayer time. I think there will be three of us driving a few hours to meet up in Central Scotland for prayer.