Sunny day outreach....

22/02/2021 15:44

I had not planned on doing evangelism today. However, when my phone weather alert went off for tomorrow and Wednesday, I decided I had better get out this afternoon. (Tomorrow through Wednesday will be a storm with 50-60 plus MPH winds.) So, this was the day the Lord had made for outreach and I finished another static caravan park. (Mobile home park.)

God gave me three good divine appointments and some other brief chats. The first was with a lady who after saying that she did not go to church said, "But, I went yesterday (online)." A friend had invited her. Please pray as I was able to go through the Gospel with her and did invite her to email me for zoom links to our services.

The second good conversation was with a man sitting in his doorway. He used to attend Church of Scotland. But he does not know for sure that he'll go to Heaven and didn't want to talk about it. I shared the Gospel briefly with him and told him about Mac's decision to get saved this past week.

The third was with a woman who is from England. She thinks Jesus died in vain. I said, "But, I am going to heaven and do you think it wasn't worth it for Jesus to save me?" I told her that it is vain for him to have died for people who will go to Hell. She doesn't like life because of how wicked it is. I told her that someone who enters into eternity without Jesus will spend eternity with Satan. I hope she'll think on our conversation and that she'll be born again.

I probably put out 200 flyers or so. Please pray for God to water the seed that was sown in our community.