sweating at 60

23/05/2012 11:39

If you think I'm kidding with the title of this update, you need to remember that we only get a few days in the 70's here. My kids were telling me how "hot!" they were yesterday as we touched the low 60's.  Nelson wouldn't even go outside without his coat and hood on because he's not used to being outside without it.  (Scout's honor.) We are loving the weather this week.  It is sunny with a light breeze and as I mentioned very warm for Scotland.

I put out flyers for a couple hours this morning. I've enjoyed listening to messages while doing that and they were a particular blessing today.  I had one really good witnessing opportunity with Peter (62). We chatted for about 20 minutes and I was able to share with him why Christ died. Please pray for Peter.  He was thoughtful.  

I also saw Janet, a Christian, who I met in Loanhead several months ago. She was working in her front garden (flower bed.)  It was good to see her.  Thanks for your prayers.  Please pray for "spiritual rain" to water the seed that was sown today.

Kirk (Katie's brother) and Carrie are in the air on the way back to Scotland just now.  Later today I get to pick them up at the airport.  Pray especially for Carrie as she is expecting their first child this fall!  They have had a very busy trip back to the US for a couple of weddings and family visits.