
10/01/2018 11:46

This morning I headed off to North Middleton and came accross another vilage, of which I was unaware, on my way there. Temple is just a wee village that has history with the Knights Templar who had their headquarters there in the 12th century.

God gave me two divine appointments both with older men. The first man had lived in Watertown, Wisconsin (home of Maranatha Baptist Bible College) for several years as his children were growing up. Interestingly, I would have lived just 15 miles from him in Lake Mills at that time. We had a short but good chat.

The second opportunity was the best. This man was a bioligist (I assume retired) and his daughter and son in law attend a good evangelical church. His son in law is from Kansas. God gave me wisdom and guided us in a light hearted conversation discussing proofs of creation as well as briefly considering prophecy. I love sharing the Gospel with someone who has family members who are no doubt praying for them. The daughter and son in law arrived just as our conversation was concluding and I was able to briefly meet them.

I read on the town notice board that an evangelical church plant was starting in the town hall. Please pray for God to awaken that community.