The Fifth Sunday Online

19/04/2020 08:02

Wow, here we are on our 5th Sunday as a church in isolation. Amazingly a month has passed and they've extended our isolation for 3 weeks. Praise God, He knows how everything is going to work out. 

The message God put on my heart for this Sunday is, "The Greatest Mistake" from Psalm 49. (Link to audio) Like some of the Gospels this Psalm is a warning to those who trust in their possessions instead of in the Lord.

Katie is continuing her children's lessons with the story of Christ following the Resurrection.

On Thursday in our study of James we looked at "The Place of Grace" from James 4:6-10.

I've enjoyed praying with the missionary men in Ireland on Wednesdays. Please pray for God's power upon that prayer time. Also, I've started a Tuesday prayer time for the missionary men in Scotland. Your prayers for that time are appreciated as well.