The Journey Continues

03/03/2021 21:17

Thank you for your continued prayers for our online evangelism. Some of my evangelism time is taken up in these extra ministry opportunities which I trust are effective in getting out the Gospel. Yesterday morning my Live Stream was,"Luminescent God," (sermon audio link) speaking about God's intrinsic light. "God is light and in Him is no darkness at all."

I'm doing two of these a week. The second one this week is tomorrow morning at 09:30 GMT. Please pray for wisdom as we consider advertising The Journey more broadly in the UK on Facebook. We want to prepare the right material for that advert and chose the right target location, plan, etc. Your prayers are appreciated.

Katie is also persuing a project with the help of our church ladies. She is assembling small gift bags to hand to women to be encouragement to them. They will also include an invitation to a woman's meeting on Zoom. Please pray for God's guidance and for His blessing upon this outreach.