
06/09/2012 20:12

The breeze had a hint of a coming winter in it this morning.  I was surprised by how cool it was.  The wind was in the 20mph, so that didn't make me feel any warmer.  I've started putting out our new flyers in Loanhead.  Yesterday I had one brief witnessing opportunity with Ewan (18 or so).  He said that he has thought about visiting our church. I hope he'll pop in some time.  Today I chatted with Graeme (Jordan's step dad) and gave him our new flyers.  

We had a good service tonight.  God's really given us uplifting Thursday night meetings. Mark, Laura, Alec and Christine were with me.  Katie said the kids did very well.  There are 13 of them in her classroom.  Praise the Lord Mazie is a very good baby and happily plays in her little playpen.

Thanks for praying for our church.