Time Change

31/10/2021 14:06

We fell back an hour this morning and so the USA is an hour closer in time until the US time change takes place. It was great to see everyone a few minutes early for church. I thought it was coincidental until I remembered the extra hour. :) There was a good spirit and we had a fun morning at church.

I enjoyed preaching this morning on, "Treasure These." There are many things that we can live for, but only a few things that are worth living for. This message focused on 5 things we ought to set our heart about because God will reward these things. Jeremiah 31 was our starting point "for your work shall be rewarded" and Jesus words, "For where your treasure is there will your heart be also" put us onto a textual study of true treasure.

This evening we are going to do something different from our normal routine and enjoy watching, "Incredible Creatures that Defy Evolution."

Thank you for praying for our day. God's hand was evident.

Point of interest: COP26 (world conference on "climate change") is taking place 40 miles from her in Glasgow. 50 world leaders are staying in Edinburgh. President Biden and President Obama will be among the many attendees.