Upon the first day of the week....

06/11/2022 13:11

God gave us a blessed morning. We enjoyed good attendance and a sweet spirit. God has encouraged our hearts with some visitors who are really making our church their home. We're glad to have them with us.

Our Sunday School lesson in the life of David had great application to our current adventures as a congregation. We're looking at how David trusted in God's providence while fulfilling His responsabilities. He did his part - hiding from Saul. But, he didn't take matters into his own hand, killing Saul in the cave. He committed Himself to God's care, but also spoke up to defend himself before the king. It's been an interesting study.

I also preached on Psalm 46, "Be still and know that He is God and that He will triumph." We took those three headings from vs. 10 and examined the Psalm in light of those truths. I hope it was a blessing to our church family. I know that it has encouraged my heart to rest in God.

We continue to wait to hear back about our offer on the "church property". Our contact person with the property did not receive the offer until late Friday as the original offer, we suspect, ended up in his spam. As with the above on David, we know that God is providentially over all. His timing is best, and we thank Him for His wisdom in delaying the offer. Meanwhile, we continue to wait on His leading for our location in the near future. Thank you for praying with us.