A solid day.

27/11/2022 14:47

We enjoyed a good morning physically and spiritually this morning. Some that had been ill were back with us and we had a good time around the Word of God. It's also been a sunny calmer day and that is a blessing as well.

I preached this morning on Ezekiel 22:23-31. The text includes that which was preached the night God called me to preach some 25 years ago. "And I sought for a man among them, which should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land that I should not destroy it, BUT I FOUND NONE." It is a convicting text, but God used an illlustration of the preacher to answer a specific prayer I had prayed and God clearly directed me into the ministry. The preacher was Evangelist Tom Ferrel.

I preached this morning on the judgment of God against an unclean land which was conspiring against Him and which was without anyone intervening. Scotland is not Israel, but she has had more Christian priviliges than most countries. My prayer is that we (born again believers) would be effective in standing in the gap interceding for this nation and all of these people.

We had one lighter moment this morning as a 3 year old escaped from his class towards the end of my message and assaulted (tried to climb) the platform. His dad finally caught him. Last week it was a window washer trying to wash our windows during the invitation time. :)

Thanks for praying for our ministry. God gave us a great day.