Another visitor....

12/12/2021 13:23

We enjoyed having another first time visitor this morning. This lady has been in contact for several months. She lives in the heart of Edinburgh and took bus out to Loanhead and we collected her in our church mini bus. It was a blessing to have her with us.

Our communion service is normally Sunday PM the first Sunday of every month. Because several were not going to be able to make it last Sunday night, we moved it to our Sunday School hour this morning. It was a blessing to start our day with a focus on the sacrifice and suffering of our Lord for our sins.

I preached this morning a "Christmas Message" as it touches the birth of Jesus. I preached on the textual biography of the great prophet, preacher, John the Baptist - Miracle Baby Number 1, from Luke 1. He was an awesome answer to prayer and a gracious gift of God to his parents and to his Jewish audience.

Tonight we are going to have our normal service with a special activity afterwards of setting up our church Christmas Tree. We are looking forward to a fun evening. Thank you for praying for our services. God gave us a blessed morning.