Calling good evil....

29/09/2022 10:26

One thing that has stood out to me as we have openly shared God's Word through the open letter is that, when you call evil good, you call good evil. We have been mocked on social media this week and I received this email today. Anyone who reads the spirit of my open letter will know that ALL I am doing is letting God's view be known on difficult topics. There are many people who are not religious who agree with what the Bible says on these controvercies. They are afraid to say so because of the hate they will receive from those who despise their views.

Her email:

"Your views are disgusting and I think you need to start living in the modern day! How dare you project your vile prejudices on other human beings. No one wants you spouting your rubbish here. Take yourself a away to  the middle of nowhere and spout your absolute ____ between yourselves. 

Can’t believe in 2022 people like you exist!

God forbid you or any of your crew have children that you are forcing to hear this _______!

Awful awful people if you can even call you that. Just disgusting !!"

My response:

Thank you for your email. I’m sorry that you have taken offence to the open letter. I’m not ashamed of what God says and know that those who killed Jesus didn’t do it because they appreciated what He said. Jesus said, "The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil.” John 7:7. He wasn’t testifying to them out of hate. He loved them too much to let them go to Hell and would do everything in His power (including dying for them) to save them from their sin.

Sin is punishable and will not be overlooked by a Holy God. Only those who are willing to repent of their sin can receive God’s gift of everlasting life. Sin is also a burden and bondage. No matter how much men try to justify their sin, it can’t take away the burden or the punishment of sin. Only the grace of God through the shed blood of Jesus has the power to take away man’s sin. 

I hope that someday you may thank me for being willing to be treated as you have treated me for openly sharing the truth of God’s Word.

I sincerely hope that you have a good day,

Pastor Ben


Your views are disgusting and I think you need to start living in the modern day! How dare you project your vile prejudices on other human beings. No one wants you spouting your rubbish here. Take yourself a away to  the middle of nowhere and spout your absolute crap between yourselves. 
Can’t believe in 2022 people like you exist!
God forbid you or any of your crew have children that you are forcing to hear this bull!
Awful awful people if you can even call you that. Just disgusting !!