Fellowship Sunday

04/12/2022 14:25

We were blessed with good attendance this morning and a great time of fellowship after the morning service. We have enjoyed having a cafe area for Sunday PM fellowships which we enjoy every Sunday. This morning we had a meal together after the morning service.  It was good tasting and it was good for our church family to be together.

Everyone is excited and thankful for God's provision of a new location. We begin there this coming Wednesday.

I preached this morning from Joel 2 a message which I titled, "A Solemn Assembly." Interestingly, Joel gives a guide to making God jealous to do great things for His people. My points were, Alert the people, Stop the people, Sober the people, Congregate the people, Sanctify the people, Prioritise the people, and plead for the people. 

Sadly, solemn assemblies of serious people seeking God is not a popular church model in our day. Please pray for God to awaken hearts and that we would sincerely turn to Him as He intends. It was a very good morning.

The Lord gave us 3 really good conversations as we knocked on doors yesterday. I'm thankful for my wife and her participation in our ministry. We enjoy doing soul winning together.