Important prayer request (update)

14/05/2021 19:08

I thought I'd share an email I just sent to the church. It will provide the update on the witnessing opportunity prayer request.

Dear Church family,

You'll be excited to hear that Stacy trusted Christ with tears this afternoon. Katie and I went over and sat down with she and Lewis. Actually, Katie took Enya outside, Abby kept the dog from barking and I sat down with Stacy and Lewis.
Please pray as they make big decisions in life and following the Lord. The plan is now to baptise both of them next Sunday! :)
Please continue to pray in faith for God to allow us to see a greater harvest. When His hand is at work, we ought to very careful and guard His blessing.
His hand at work is encouraging when we have the unexpected. We found out today that the bank has set a closing date of this Thursday. Please pray that God would show us the way forward. His hand has been leading and that has been very clear. 
The good news is, we should know this Thursday whether or not we will purchase the bank. The faith part is God providing the funding to secure the purchase of the property.
I know you'll be praying often about this. Don't be discouraged. Remember that last night we said we ought to rejoice at the "impossible." If God wants us to move forward, He'll say, "Go forward" and no one can stop HIm.
He's able. Let's pray in faith,
Pastor Ben
PS. Abby was in the next room and thought she heard her mum praying to get saved. She wrote the following on the white board with a statement, "This is the question for the day."
Dear Church family,
You'll be excited to hear that Stacy trusted Christ with tears this afternoon. Katie and I went over and sat down with she and Lewis. Actually, Katie took Enya outside, Abby kept the dog from barking and I sat down with Stacy and Lewis.
Please pray as they make big decisions in life and following the Lord. The plan is now to baptise both of them next Sunday! :)
Please continue to pray in faith for God to allow us to see a greater harvest. When His hand is at work, we ought to very careful and guard His blessing.
His hand at work is encouraging when we have the unexpected. We found out today that the bank has set a closing date of this Thursday. Please pray that God would show us the way forward. His hand has been leading and that has been very clear. 
The good news is, we should know this Thursday whether or not we will purchase the bank. The faith part is God providing the funding to secure the purchase of the property.
I know you'll be praying often about this. Don't be discouraged. Remember that last night we said we ought to rejoice at the "impossible." If God wants us to move forward, He'll say, "Go forward" and no one can stop HIm.
He's able. Let's pray in faith,
Pastor Ben