Solid Sunday

15/08/2021 20:29

God blessed us with a good solid Sunday. I believe our church family was encouraged and we enjoyed good fellowship today. We had a first time visitor tonight who came with a family who drives an hour to church. She's planning on coming again next Sunday.

I enjoyed preaching tonight on a revival passage, Ezekiel 36, a message I entitled, "I Will Do It." (currently uploading) Interestingly, God said he would do it. However, the condition was that they earnestly seek Him to do what He had promised to do. The main purpose of what God would do would be to glorify Himself. But, he would do that IN His people and THROUGH His people. Our prayer is that God would do that in our church.

Tuesday is a minister's day of prayer up in Blair Atholl. Your prayers for God's blessing upon that day are much appreciated. Thank you for praying for our family and ministry.

PS. We had 3 good opportunities knocking on doors on Saturday and one great opportunity. Please pray for Martin to visit our church or do a Bible study.