Wow - sunny Scotland

04/06/2023 14:01

The weather for the past few weeks has been good and now it is amazing. We are into our long days and they are beautiful just now... low 60's fahrenheit, light breeze and sunny. If anyone visits Scotland at this time, they may leave with a false impression. :) 

This prolonged period of good weather opens the door to a project which we have prayed much about - painting the exterior of the church. Please pray as we put this on the schedule for works to be soon completed.

The work list is going well. The deconstruction of our back toilets has been going very well. A skip (dumpster) is arriving tomorrow and we'll promptly fill it once it arrives. A small wall has been built to fill in a gap behind the serving counter in our front two rooms. Another room in the back hall has been gutted and other miscellaneous works have been engaged. We appreciate your prayers as we continue to beautify our church property.

We enjoyed a good start to the week as we met together for church this morning. Josh Rowley took the adult/teen Bible class at 10:00 and taught from Genesis on the beginning. I preached this morning on Joshua 24, a sermon I entitled, "A No Brainer." Very little intellect is required for any rational being to understand that serving God is the obvious decision to make. Joshua used logic and the only logical conclusion would be for God's people to decide to serve Him. Tonight, we look forward to observing the Lord's table.

I continue to have difficulty with my sermon audio uploads. Lord willing, I will soon have this morning's message uploaded. Your continued prayers for wisdom are appreciated. I updated my Mac this morning hoping that would sort the issue, but it continues. Thanks for your prayers for Southside Free Baptist Church and our family, they are much appreciated.