Article archive

Building Dedication

13/07/2024 15:07
God blessed our building dedication today. We had a good turnout, good fellowship, good time of sharing in God's Word, good teaching for the children, plenty of helpers, etc. Praise the Lord. Thank you for praying for this day. Although our sending church pastor was unable to attend. He was able to...

Exciting times!

07/07/2024 13:50
We are less than a week away from dedicating our property to the Lord and having our grand opening. Tonight we start rearranging the church into what it was meant to be in the mind of God. We praise Him for His clear leading in every decision we have made.  Wednesday will be our first meeting...

Two weeks from today!

30/06/2024 13:05
We are two weeks away from the Grand Opening of our sanctuary. We'll have a trial run in there the Wednesday before that date. And, our dedication is Saturday the 13th of July. These are exciting days and it is fun to see the Lord's hand in some details as we pray that we can be ready with...

Getting God's Word Out

26/06/2024 21:46
The Lord blessed our outreach and work at the church this week. Katie and Mac have continued our painting of the exterior of the property. Logan, Nelson, and Parker helped me put out flyers yesterday and today. Today, Pastor Dillman was also out doing outreach with us.  We've gotten to around...

Great Gala and Good Lord's Day

23/06/2024 13:10
God blessed us with great weather for the Gala. This is a matter of prayer annually and God has continually provided the weather that was needed.  Our activities at the Gala were well attended as is normal. We were non-stop busy from about 1:30-4:30. We have archery, photo board with cut outs,...

Praises and prayer requests

19/06/2024 21:12
I want to thank the Lord for giving me Katie (Hansen) to be my wife. We celebrated 24 years of marriage on Monday. Tuesday was a special day as I enjoyed a day of prayer at Blair Atholl with 4 other men. Today, my family got back to work on the church building. We are painting the front of the...

Hopefully, more frequent updates....

16/06/2024 13:31
Life is returning to normal. We have had extra duties as we get back into the swing of things. One of those extras was writing an announcement and Gospel tract for a mass mailing. God blessed us with time to get that sorted this week and we look forward to God's Word going out in our area. Please...

Getting back into the swing...

11/06/2024 13:16
Life is returning to normal as we get back into duties at our church and home. God blessed us with a great Sunday. We had a first time adult visitor on Sunday morning. They attended with someone who has become a regular attendee at our church. That was a blessing. We also had some young people show...

D-day, B-day...

06/06/2024 11:34
Mac is growing up and hit double digits today! Obviously, his birthday is on D-day. It's amazing that Katie and I no longer have children in single digits. This has not been the case for the past 21 years. Wow - yep, I guess we are getting old. We are so thankful for the children God has given to...

home again, home again....

04/06/2024 17:13
Thank you for praying for our travels. We arrived back in Scotland late yesterday morning, Scottish time. It is great to be back home. We've seen a couple of our church family and love catching up with them. The trip back was pretty uneventful as a whole. But, as I wrote our prayer letter at the...
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