
Trust Service

12/06/2016 12:54

This is our busy weekend as we have our afternoon service at The Trust. (Assisted Living Facility in Loanhead.) We always enjoy our time with those who attend that afternoon service. I'm going to preach an early Father's day message on Abraham and Isaac.

This morning I preached on, "Look" Good to Look Good from Micah 6:8. Micah told us where to look to find out how to look God in God's sight.

The Lord has given some great divine appointments lately. I enjoyed speaking with 4 teen boys last night as I was out walking. They were very kind to listen as I shared with them truth about God. I also had a great opportunity to speak with a man in my home for an hour and half. He didn't stop by to speak about spiritual things, but he had some great questions about God. He was an atheist a year ago but now believes in a Creator. Please pray for Jason to get saved. I believe that God is at work in Jason's life. Pray that He follows after truth and not error.

Our field administrator, Steve Anderson, and his wife, Martha, will be with us next Sunday. Please pray for them as they are in the UK and Ireland for the next month visiting ministers and their families.

sweltering....well, kind of.

07/06/2016 11:06

It is our hottest day thus far. I put flyers out this morning but was thankful to get back to the car before it got too hot. It is going to hit 70 degrees today. We are enjoying a beautiful start to our summer. We sometimes get cloudy, rainy and in the 50's in July. So, this is very nice.

Mac enjoyed his birthday yesterday. Thank you for the cards! He turned 2. He was a super kiddo yesterday. We figured out that if we give him presents and cake every day - he'll get along just fine with everybody. Seriously, I think someone was praying for him to have a wonderful birthday. He couldn't have been happier.

Last night Katie had a good turn out for her monthly ladies' Bible study. While that was going on, Bernard and I took the boys hill walking in the Pentland Hills near our home. The boys took the wellies (muck boots) and built a wee dam in the burn (creek.) We had a great divine appointment with Chris and Mark. Pray for these men. It was obvious that God put us together. We talked for 45 minutes.

Thank you for praying for our ministry. God is good to answer those prayers.

An unusual week....

05/06/2016 12:47

This has been a good but unusual week. We got moved back into the office on Monday. On Tuesday Benson and I helped a family move. On Wednesday I helped fellow missionaries move. It has been a very "moving" week. God gave me the perfect schedule to be able to do these extra things. He also gave us great weather this week which was a blessing to each move.

Yesterday morning Benson and I had some great opportunities to open God's Word as we did door to door ministry. We had three extended conversations. Thanks for praying for these opportunities to speak about Jesus.

I enjoyed singing a trio with my oldest two children, Kay Lee and Benson this morning. It's good to see the kid's growing up with a desire to serve the Lord. All of our kids have a great attitude about setting up and taking down after our church services. Our church people also work hard during those opportunities.

I preached this morning a message on Sowing and Reaping entitled, "God is Not Mocked" from a story found in Jeremiah 42. If you want you can hear us sing before the message. God gave us a good time around His Word. Again, thank you for your prayers!

Smiling as I sit in my redecorated office....

31/05/2016 14:52

God has been good to help us in our redecoration of my office/ guest bedroom. I thought you'd enjoy seeing pictures of His goodness.

The Smell of Paint

29/05/2016 14:49

I'm sitting in my office this afternoon with a strong smell of paint. We've been redecorating this room for the last two days. Praise the Lord for new beginnings. This room looks and feels totally different and refreshed. The text for my SS this morning had in it, "If any man be in Christ, He is a new creature." Amen and Amen! I'm glad Jesus changed (you and) me into something which He by His grace enjoys.

I preached this morning on, "Delightful to God" from Jeremiah 9:23-24. These verses beautifully summarize what our life should be all about. To summarize what Jeremiah says - we should live today rejoicing in our relationship with God. God delights in that.

Thank you for your praying for our services today!

Flyers in Clermiston

26/05/2016 08:44

I enjoyed catching up with the Dillman's yesterday. Don and I usually try to get together weekly to do flyers. Hopefully we can get back into that routine now that life is settling down a bit. We were able to get out several hundred flyers yesterday and enjoyed a good time of fellowship while we were out. We had one witnessing opportunity with a lady at a shop. Please pray for her to desire God's gift of everlasting life and to find Him through His Word.

Please also pray for the Dillman's as they close on a house on Friday and then move the following week. Their furlough replacement ministry for the Landon's will be ending this autumn. Please pray for God to open just the right doors for their new church planting ministry which will also be in the Edinburgh area. 

We are still praying that God will open the door for our church to purchase the building at 153 The Loan, in Loanhead. It will take some miracles but we know that we serve the Miracle Working God. We appreciate your prayers with us as we seek God's best for Free Baptist Church.

Photo's Uploaded

24/05/2016 09:02

Well, it has been busy but we are getting caught up today. Evangelist Washer and Lewis left yesterday for Spain. This afternoon they will fly back to the USA. Please pray for God to direct brother Washer as he prays about future opportunities to do sports ministry in Europe. These guys were a great blessing to us.

I was able to get the photo's of the tournament uploaded to our webpage today. Here is a link, if you are interested in viewing them.

God gave us numerous opportunities to speak to people about Christ. Thank you for praying for divine appointments. It will be interesting in Heaven to get to hear the end of the story for each witnessing opportunity. It's not in vain. We know His Word will accomplish His purposes. Thank you for your prayerful participation in our ministry.

Sunday Morning....

22/05/2016 12:53

I'm very thankful this morning for Evangelist Washer's servants heart. He worked hard yesterday and still agreed to take our services today. He challenged us in Sunday School about pride. Then this morning he preached a message on "The Tragedy of Unbelief" from II Kings 7:1-2.

We had good attendance and a good spirit. Tonight we are going to have some fun showing pictures of the tournament. Brother Washer will be preaching again this evening. I hope to have a link on this page soon to our church page where I am going to put the pictures from the tournament.

Wonderful Tournament!

21/05/2016 21:27

Lord willing, I will give a much better update tomorrow by way of photo's. The Lord gave us a great day. The weather was unsettled (all around us) but for the vast majority of the day it was rain free. We ended with a heavy down pour but it did not effect our time and was a fun ending.

If I just stated the attendance of the tournament you may misunderstand and think that we did not have God's blessing on our day. But, that would be a misinterpretation of the great grace of God to us. We had another missionary bring 5 guys. We had a number of kids from our church and 7 other young people who came. All told, we had around 35 five total people present. I'm very thankful for all the missionaries and fellow believers who came from other ministires to help us run this tournament. We had the perfect group. (Picture below.)

I took a screen shot when I got up this morning which will reveal God's goodness in protecting us from most of the raindrops. We very much appreciate your prayers and thank you for your part in what has been a great, great, day! 

Into Edinburgh...

18/05/2016 20:55

We headed into Edinburgh today to purchase prizes and do some outreach. We weren't certain what we were going to do for prizes. But, we found a great price on footballs and bought 14. :) We are going to give each winning player (teen/adult) a ball. There are five on each side with one substitute. We also bought two game balls to give away to the best players in each bracket.

Next we stopped by the prison in Edinburgh to see if we could speak to someone about a future sports tournament in the prison. Evangelist Jonathan Washer does that ministry in the States and we were hoping to find an open door for that ministry in the future here. It seems like a closed door for now.

Afterwards we headed into Edinburgh for some touring evangelism. I showed them around the city while we witnessed and handed out Gospel flyers. I had two really good divine appointments. The first was with a woman from Ireland who has born again friend. That is always encouraging to hear. She kindly said to me, "No offence (after listening very well) but I have heard it all before from my friends." Praise God - those are good friends to have.

The second was with a 15 year old skeptic (agnostic) from Germany. He was very mature for his age and dressed in Gothic attire with Satanic symbols on his necklace. Please pray that God will awaken Roman's heart. We spoke most about the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. I told him that if he comes to Scotland to study to please look me up. He then said that he does intend to come here for schooling. So I told him again to please come at least once to church and let me know that he had come back. I really believe this kid could get saved as it appears that he is searching for truth. I'd love to have the story in the future that Roman has visited our church. Even more I'd love to see Roman in Heaven some day.

God's good. Thanks for praying.

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