
Autumn/ Colors

31/10/2015 09:19

I have not put pictures up in a while. My walk was beautiful this morning. I was surprised by how warm it was. It was in the low 60's and balmy. The contrast between the sky and the bright leaves was lovely. I'll also put a picture which I took this past week at art class with Mr. Alec. The boys have been doing landscapes. But, this week Alec wanted them to practice mixing colors. So, he had them do abstract paintings instead. They enjoyed discovering new colors.

Question / prayer request

29/10/2015 10:28

This is not my normal update. I'm listening to Abiding Radio and they are playing tone chimes/ bells. We have thought about getting a good set of these for our church. We have a children's choir which had 14 kids in it this past Sunday. I just thought I'd give a shout out and ask if any church has a set which they are not using. (Emphasis on "not using.")  I'm not asking for a church/ individual to go out and buy these for us. But, if anyone has a set that we could have or purchase from you, would you please let me know? 

We are coming up on a busy and good November. Please pray for the following events....

2 November - monthly ladies' meeting.

5-7 November - Ladies' Retreat in Ireland. (Katie and Laura will be attending.)

8 November - First monthly teen service at an assisted living property near our church.

14-22 November - Katie's mom and dad fly over.

19 November - Kirk's (Katie's brother) graduation with his Doctorate from Dundee University. (Thank you for your prayers for his paper. It was turned in this week.)

Thank you for praying for all of these events.


Awesome Divine Appointment

27/10/2015 15:08

The Lord just gave me one of those really encouraging divine appointments with a Christian family who have moved into our village. They are a part of another church, but it is a blessing to know that they are here. God put us together in a very unusual way and it reminds me that HE IS GOD.

Don Dillman and I had some good witnessing opportunities in his area this morning. We witnessed on a busy road near their church for a little while. God gave each of us a good divine appointment. He also gave us one really good door to door opportunity. Please pray for James (grandpa) James (his son) and Danielle (baby grand daughter.) Danielle was 3 months premature and has spina bifida, and fluid on the brain. They are a good contact for Don's church. Thanks for praying for divine appointments.

Nelson's Salvation

26/10/2015 17:13

Our five year old, Nelson, came up to Katie after church last night in the lobby and asked to be saved. He was very teary and could hardly say what he needed. Praise the Lord. It is good when it is clearly God's work in bringing them to Himself. In class last night they had sung, "Jesus is the way to my Father's house." Katie had said to the kids, "Wouldn't it be sad if you got home tonight and your dad said, 'You can't come in my house because you aren't my child.'" Another boy said, "But my dad says if you ask God to forgive you, He will." Praise God, He can forgive and He did last night. 

This morning, I put flyer out all morning. Please pray that God will bless the seed that was sown. Thank you for your prayers!

HBC continuing....

25/10/2015 12:43

It has been good to see some of our HBC kids continuing with us. Two of them went on our youth activity this past Friday. They were also in church this morning. Please pray for their soon salvation. The young girl who trusted Christ this past Sunday asked me one of my favorite questions this morning. "Can I bring a friend with me on Thursday." :) Please pray that her friend would come.

I preached this morning on "Praying as If Your Life Depends Upon It" from Daniel 2. It is the story where Daniel and his friends must have God reveal a dream to them. Thank you for praying for our ministry. It was a good morning.


Flyers and more flyers....

21/10/2015 13:33

I was able to put flyers out on Monday and today. I didn't have any divine appointments on Monday but was able to do a large section of a neighboring village. Today, Don and I, put out flyers through the same village. God gave one very good divine appointment with a 17 year old young man who was returning this morning from a lecture at Edinburgh University. I spoke with him for close to an hour by the side of the road. He is seeking a degree in bio chemistry. Please pray that God will help him to see "order and design" and not "random processes." I gave him a New Testament. Please pray that God will bless that young man with a personal knowledge of Himself.

I read an interesting quote yesterday and it broke my heart. I don't have the book in front of me as I let someone else borrow it. However, it said that a young pastor took a church. After his first sermon an older man came up and said, "Well I don't see much hope for you or your preaching to help our church. However, I and some others have committed to pray for you." He said that he wasn't offended by what the man said because he had committed to pray for him. That prayer group became a group of over 200 hundred and God blessed that pastor. What broke my heart was this pastor saying, "I don't know how an ordinary pastor (without that prayer group) can make it." I agree with him. There is an overwhelming sense of need for the power of God and the prayers of God's people to move forward. Thank you for being a part of our team by praying for our ministry.

Visits and visitor

18/10/2015 12:41

Our unexpected guest from a couple weeks ago was back with us this morning. It was a great blessing to see him. We also had a young girl pray to accept Jesus as her Saviour this morning. This little girl has been incredibly faithful to church over the last couple months. Please pray for God to bless her in her new walk with Him.

I preached this morning on II Chronicles 14:11, "Nothing But God." It is a great verse on God dependence. I recently wrote an article for a Revival Focus blog post on this verse. I preached through the points of that article this morning.

Yesterday morning the Lord gave Logan and I some great door to door ministry. Please pray for a young Hindu couple who indicated that they will visit our church. Please also pray for a young mother who seems interested in spiritual things. Thanks for praying for these opportunities to share Jesus. 

Thank you for praying with our church ministry. We appreciate your prayers for our family and our church.

Fun and Fellowship

15/10/2015 12:25

We enjoyed some great fellowship yesterday. In the morning I did some evangelism with Missionary Don Dillman. We put out flyers and then did door to door. God gave us 3 great divine appointments. Please pray for Nica (woman from Portugal) to visit their church this Sunday. She said that she would try to come. Please pray for God to awaken Justin's heart. We spoke with him for about 20 minutes with an open Bible. Please pray for Gordon who is a young married man who accepted Christ 5 years ago. He invited us into his home and spoke with us for about an hour. Please also pray for Don as he follows up with these contacts. We only got to about 7 doors in an hour and a half. 

Last night another missionary family from Perth, the Brinkleys, came over with a single missionary lady who works with them. We had a wonderful time of fellowship.

God has blessed us with good missionary friends over here!  Thanks for praying for the Shore family.

Holiday Bible Club :)

13/10/2015 13:49

We had a LOT of fun today and a great turnout. All told, I think we had 24 children. Katie told the story of "Saumuelito." We also had games, crafts and PIZZA! The Gospel was clearly presented. Please pray for the children to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. Mac did exceptionally well today and we know that it is in answer to your prayers. Thanks for praying with us. God gave us a great day!

Putting out flyers....

12/10/2015 12:02

The Lord gave me a great divine appointment today. I offered a flyer to an older man who was walking past me. He declined it because he has his church. However, a conversation opened up and we chatted for close to half an hour. In the end he took a John and Romans with 4 flyers. He's retired and has time to study. Please pray that God will use His Word to do an awesome work in his life.

In this same area 4 years ago, I met an older lady who is born again and attends a Baptist Church in Edinburgh. I had forgotten about her until I saw her in front of her house where I met her before. We both remembered that conversation. I spoke with Jane for about 40 minutes. Please pray for Jane. She has the sweet joy of Jesus about her. It was a blessing to see her again.

Katie has been busy getting ready for the HBC tomorrow. Please pray that God will use the missionary story and bless our ministry to the kids. Thanks for praying with us.

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