
Pray for Saturday nights

09/09/2012 20:09

Today really began last night.  If you think about people in ministry (including your pastor) it's probably a good idea to pray for their Saturday nights.  Last night was a bit unusual for us and, although life is like that at times, you are reminded that you are in a spiritual battle.  None of these things that I'll share are a big deal but they made for a rough nights sleep.  One child was crying around 11:30 with leg pains and needed medication.  At midnight the youngest was crying because he was cold. At 1:00 another child insisted on sleeping with us because of a bad dream.  At 3:00 I had to put him back in bed. (Parents, I know you are nodding your head in sympathy saying, "One of those nights.")  It's amazing for us how often those nights come before ministry days. So, we appreciate your prayers for God's extra grace when preparing for ministry.

God did give us a good day today.  We knew last night that the Hikins would be unable to attend church because Mark is ill.  Margaret who visited two weeks ago returned.  She is a sweet Christian lady who lives about 15 miles away.  The Hughes family also visited today.  They've just moved about a half hour away.  Josh visited by himself a couple months ago.  It was good to meet the family.

Just before our evening service I enjoyed skyping with a supporting church in Geneseo, Illinois.  I'm glad they included us in their service. Afterwards it was just our family for church.  So, we had a prayer and praise service.  The Lord really encouraged my heart through that time. When you can have a good service with just your family you know the Lord is at work.  That's all we need. Thanks for participating in what God is doing in Scotland.

Door to door

08/09/2012 13:44

I enjoyed doing door to door this morning. I was out for close to two hours but it went very quickly. Please pray for Elizabeth.  I was able to show her Romans 1.  I'm glad the Lord gave us Romans chapter 1.  It has become a key focal point of attacks against the authority of the Word of God.  Politically correct religious organizations have to defy God's Word (Romans 1) to defend their views on "marriage". 

Please also pray for Audrey.  She is a new mother. I was able to share the Gospel with her this morning. 

God was good to give me other small opportunities as well.  I trust there are some people thinking about God, His Word and the Gospel because I knocked on their door this morning. Thanks for praying for open doors.

PS.  I just remembered something the Lord brought to my mind this morning.  I had more than one person today say, "If there is a God why does he let babies die.  They didn't do anything." I've often heard that. I shared with them that God created without death but that death is a result of man's sin.  I also shared that it is God's mercy if those children die and go to Heaven.  But here is what I didn't expect to say, "Many of those people who blame God for taking a child defend the right to kill babies in the womb." It turned the conversation in the right direction and took the wind out of the sails of defying God.


06/09/2012 20:12

The breeze had a hint of a coming winter in it this morning.  I was surprised by how cool it was.  The wind was in the 20mph, so that didn't make me feel any warmer.  I've started putting out our new flyers in Loanhead.  Yesterday I had one brief witnessing opportunity with Ewan (18 or so).  He said that he has thought about visiting our church. I hope he'll pop in some time.  Today I chatted with Graeme (Jordan's step dad) and gave him our new flyers.  

We had a good service tonight.  God's really given us uplifting Thursday night meetings. Mark, Laura, Alec and Christine were with me.  Katie said the kids did very well.  There are 13 of them in her classroom.  Praise the Lord Mazie is a very good baby and happily plays in her little playpen.

Thanks for praying for our church.

Door to Door with Mark

04/09/2012 11:42

Mark Hikin and I enjoyed getting out this morning to put out flyers.  We put out around 400. The Lord gave one divine appointment with Connor (17).  He said what I often hear, "I guess I don't really believe in anything." He had a little puppy that I pointed at and said, "He doesnt look like he just happened.  He looks designed."  We had a good chat.  Please pray for Connor.  

I forgot to share a story with you from yesterday.  I set a goal for our church to start supporting the Kelly's.  So, on Sunday we had our first opportunity to participate in that.  I was glad that my two oldest did so without me saying anything.  Benson came running up to me yesterday and said, "Dad, look what I found.  (50 pence)  He said, "I put 10p in the offering and 40p for the Kelly's and God gave me back my pound."  (They get a pound every week.) Isn't God good to encourage the faith of children (and us?)

The school year has begun.  The kids are excited and I think Katie is as well. They have been at it since 8:00.  I'm taking the two oldest boys to shop class with Mr. Alec after lunch.  Thanks for your prayers.

Happy Birthday Kay Lee

03/09/2012 16:16

Today our first born turned 10! Yikes! She's had a great birthday. (Thanks for the many birthday cards.  Our kids always love them.)

We had a "big day" planned and it went fabulously.  We went to "Build-a-Bear" and she got Rainbow. (You'll understand when you see the pictures.)  Then we toured the Royal Yacht Britannia. This was the Royal Families' yacht until it was decommissioned.  Afterwards we went to a playground for a picnic.  Tonight a couple of our neighbors will be joining us for Cake.  Katie made a waterfall cake.  You'll see it in the pictures below. (I'll put more pictures in a photo album.)

About the house: The landlord thanked us for our interest but declined our offer.  Please pray for continued wisdom as we seek the Lord's guidance. 

A refreshing day.

02/09/2012 13:27

The Lord gave us a refreshing Sunday.  We had a "tough" Sunday last week (for whatever reason we were exhausted) and it is good to be refreshed by the Lord.  We had 3 visitors join us for the morning service. They have a ministry to the schools in Britain.  They had visited us once about a year ago.  They were back in the area and kindly came along.  It was good to have them with us.

I preached from I Kings 18 on Revival Fire. The Lord encouraged my heart as I preached and trust he challenged the hearts of our people.  It was a good morning. Thanks for praying.

Free Website

01/09/2012 20:37

We succeeded in exceeding our "free limit" without adverts on our website. (That is great because it means that you are keeping up with us.) So, welcome to our free world with adds.

The Lord gave us a great day today. This morning I did door to door and had several great contacts.  Joanne said that she would come along with her children. Please pray that she would.  She seemed genuinely interested. Robert allowed me to show him Psalm 22.  I recommend using this passage in your witnessing. Like Isaiah 53 it is God's "proof" that His Word is divine. We had a good brief chat.  I hope to speak with Robert again in the future. 

I also met Grace, the grandmother of Ellie, who attends our church. Please pray for this sweet lady.  She lost her husband last month.  

We have prayerfully made a low offer on the property we viewed. We didn't want to walk away without trying to get this property at a price we could afford. We'd appreciate your prayers as we continue to seek the Lord's will.

Quieting down....

31/08/2012 19:27

Well, we are past our big events on our calendar and life is getting ready to go back to normal.  Katie is gearing up to teach the kids.  They are planning on starting next Tuesday.  Please pray for her as she gets ready to teach 4 of them.

We had a good service last night with the Hikins and Christine and her two boys. In the adult class we looked at the Thunderstorm Psalm - Psalm 29.  

I witnessed to one young man briefly yesterday as I was putting out flyers. And I had another short opportunity this morning.  George was walking to work.  He said, "I believe Darwin."  He said it right. It is faith.  But, he allowed himself to be persuaded to take a tract and I hope he read it.

We looked at another home today.  We really liked it but found out what it cost to fill the oil tank and had to pass.  We are still looking for a larger home with a garden (back yard) and would appreciate your prayers for God's perfect plan.

Pastor's Fellowship

28/08/2012 15:22

The Lord gave us a great day.  The spirit in our fellowship  was very sweet, the food was good and the weather was lovely. Thanks for praying for this day.  I would have loved to have had you there.  You would have enjoyed hearing everyone singing.  That kind of service is more sweet because of how rare it is in this country. I'm sure that those who walked through the community center during our singing had never heard anything like that in their lives.  

I'll put one picture below and put the rest on our photo gallery page.  Thanks for your part in making this day a great day for the Lord.

2 visitors

27/08/2012 08:38

The Lord gave us two visitors in our morning service.  Richard is from a nearby nursing home.  And his friend brought him to church.  They had to leave during the message due to Richard's inability to sit for long periods of time.  But, we were glad that they visited. Connie's two nephews were also with us yesterday.  Please pray for Lavmore (14) and Liam (5) that they would get to understand the Gospel in their short time with us.  They will be here for another week and a half.

Yesterday morning I preached a message entitled, "Let There Be Light" from Isaiah 60:1-3.  If you ever want to read a sermon :) I post them on our church webpage -

Last night we had a singspiration and observed the Lord's Supper.  God's good. He gave us a great day.  

Please pray for Joshua and Nadege (nah DEHZ).  It would take a while to tell the whole story. But in short, they are praying about moving to our area from France. God led them to our website and they contacted us this past week. Joshua is from California and his wife is from Paris. Please pray for them as they seek God's will. They have one child and one on the way. They have a sweet testimony of how God has led them this far.

Please also pray for the pastor's fellowship which we are hosting tomorrow.  Dane Vogelpohl and Wayne Searcy will be our speakers.

Thanks for praying. 

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