
Divine Appointment

14/05/2012 12:58

As I began the day with a walk, I had a great God given opportunity to speak to Bill.  As I was approaching him I prayed for wisdom if the Lord would open the door to chat.  He commented on the weather and began the conversation with me. Please pray for Bill.  His father-in-law passed away after a 4 and half year battle with cancer and the funeral is this week.  Bill has done well in life but does not find satisfaction in things.  I shared with him that Jesus meets that need in our life which nothing else can meet.  I believe Bill will read some on our church website.  Please pray that God will do a good work in this man's heart. It was an open door as we talked for half an hour.  I prayed with him as we parted.

After that Mark Hikin and I drove to Livingstone for a men's prayer breakfast.  We had a really good time and Mark commented on how refreshing it was to get together with these men.  God has given us a great start to the week.

Sunday, 13 May

13/05/2012 19:39

The Lord gave us a good day despite inclimate weather. Yesterday was sunny and warm. Today it is a very windy and very wet day. We enjoyed Missionaries Danny and Sue Almstead visiting with us today.  They are moving here from Australia.  They will be starting a work up near Aberdeen.  Please pray that God will open the doors for them as they move forward to do his will.  They were a blessing and were with us all day.

Mark and five kids, Michael, Adelle, Timothy and Alec were also in the service this morning.  We looked at I Kings 2:1-4 and David's charge to Solomon.  My title was, "Ready to Reign." Danny and Sue also shared their salvation testimonies with us.  

Tonight, Michael and Adelle braved the weather.  We are in a metal building and so you are aware of the rain and hail. :)  We looked at two topics in God's Word - Courage and Death.  Death sounds like a sad theme but it is a joy to see what death is to a believer.  We really had a fun time together tonight.

Thanks for your prayers.

Wonderful Sunshine!

12/05/2012 11:35

Benson and I just got back from doing door to door.  The Lord gave us two good opportunities to speak to people about the Lord.  

The young mother attends the church of Scotland about once a month.  She believes that good people go to Heaven. Unfortunately, I've never met a person who attends the parish church here who says anything about Jesus when asked about salvation. We had a good brief chat.  

Please pray for Clint (35).  We spoke to him for 20 minutes. He believes in God but has never read the Bible or gone to church.  Please pray that our conversation would be the encouragement that he needs to begin that pursuit.  Thanks for your prayers.

From Katie:

11/05/2012 21:17

No, I'm not hacking my husband's page, I've been asked to share my day!  Dobbie's is a wonderful garden centre shop with an attached cafe.  Jenni texted me and asked me to meet her there this morning.  I was able to take Kay Lee and Benson along with me.  I thought they would enjoy the treat of having a children's breakfast.  While I talked with Jenni at one table, the children ate their breakfast, did a Bible study that I printed out for them, and enjoyed a game of UNO at their own table.  I gave Jenni a discipleship book, please pray that this helps her as she desires to learn God' Word.

This afternoon I took the children, and two Sunday School children to a birthday party.  They all enjoyed 1 1/2 hours at a soft play centre, pizza, chips, and ice cream!



It has rained all day....

10/05/2012 19:41

...but we had a good service tonight.  Michael, Sky and the Hikin fam. were all present.  Michael came at half five *5:30, and we reviewed his discipleship lesson.  He has added scripture memory this week and had 3 verses ready which he quoted.  

In the adult Bible study, we studied a Psalm about Christ, Psalm 24.  We enjoyed our study and had a sweet prayer time.  Thanks for praying for us.

Divine appointment

09/05/2012 14:49

Some of you know that my favorite divine appointments happen with a fishing rod (preferably in my hand.)  Last night the fly rod was in a young lad's back pack.  He was with a small group of his friends and we started talking fishing.  He gave me some good ideas which I hope to implement sometime in the near future.  

After chatting about fishing for a while, I began to ask them about their beliefs.  He said that he did believe in God and expressed unbelief in evolution.  When I asked them about sin, they said, "What is that?"  I said, "You know what sin is...."  They firmly declared that they did not.  We enjoyed a good chat about the Bible and this young man admired my awareness of what the Bible teaches.  It makes you wonder if some kids want to have answers but don't have anyone around them who knows the answers. Thank you for praying for these opportunities.

Please pray that God will water the seed that was sown.

Paintings Complete!

08/05/2012 15:28

Benson and I just got back from painting with Mr. Alec.  We are going to take a break from painting until after the summer.  So, Benson and I finished up our paintings today.  The kids have normally done landscapes but Benson did shapes this time.  He has been wanting to do this for a while.  As you can see below our paintings are quite different.  My painting is from a historic Alabama site which we visited on deputation. I'll put a close up of mine but I think you can see Benson's well enough from a distance.

Yesterday I put out a few hundred flyers.  Please continue to pray for God to use these.  Last night Michael came over for Tea *supper.  Kirk and Carrie were visiting with us last night as well.  (They are currently on a plane bound for the good old USA.  They will be there for a couple weeks for weddings.) We had a good time of fellowship.  Michael just texted me a verse by memory.  Please continue to pray for him.

Timothy joined us today for lunch.  It was good to catch up with him.  Please pray that his schedule will "allow" him to get to church.  We've missed him recently.

Sunday PM

06/05/2012 20:31

We had good attendance tonight.  The Hikin family, Michael and Constance were present. We studied God's Chastening and Man's Contentment.  Afterwards we had the Lord's Supper.  We are praising the Lord for a good day.

A wee bit nippy....

06/05/2012 14:27

We are a little chilled today.  Our boiler went down last night and the repairman is coming later this afternoon (we hope.)  As you can see by the weather on the home page, it is a little chilly this weekend.  So, the kids came down all bundled up this morning.  Logan and Parker slept with their robes on.  Logan gets the style award this morning for his crazy glasses.

The church services went well. Mark brought five of his children this morning.  Michael was also there for Sunday School. He got to church at about 9:30 which gave us time to go through his second discipleship lesson, baptism.  He is showing great understanding and doing a super job on his book.  Alec joined us for the morning service.  I preached on Zechariah 3:1-5, "From Rags to Riches."  Thanks for praying for our church.

Returned and Refreshed!

05/05/2012 19:00

Thanks for your prayers this week as we went on holiday (vacation.)  We had a great time.  God gave us better health and better weather every day.  We began in a misty, foggy, cold Monday and had great days Tuesday - Friday. 

The Lord gave several good witnessing opportunities this week.  I witnessed to a lady named, Dot, at the place where we stayed. She doesn't believe in God but she was thinking as I chatted with her.  Please pray that she will open her heart to the Lord.  Another good witnessing opportunity was Ryan.  He is 21 and just has not thought about God.  You hear that here and I believe those who tell me that.  Why should they think about God when they are taught that evolution is fact?  He was very interested in the conversation and I hope he will look at our church website. He definitely was thinking about things that he had not thought about before.

God is good.  He gave us just what we needed this past week.  If you would like to see some pictures from our holiday please view the "Photogallery" page. Thanks for your prayers.

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